Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Les Triplettes de Belleville: Reflection

I actually enjoyed the uniqueness of this French based film, Les Triplettes de Belleville. It was interesting how throughout the entire movie there wasn't any conversation but only actions and emotions. It was as if the movie made it so its viewers could imagine what the characters were saying.

This film had an interesting plot. Basically it was about a boy who's parents passed away and he channeled his anger and frustration through cycling. He trains his whole life until he becomes good enough to compete in le Tour de France. During the Tour he falls from exhaustion and is picked up by a bunch of French mafia gang members. This is a story about how his grandmother goes on a journey to find her missing grandson. It's a very interesting film.

Throughout this film you see an exaggerated version of how both the French and American live. You get the idea that the French are proud of their cuisine and their people. Where as this film sort of makes fun of Americans and their way of living. It makes fun of the American people by making them outrageously over weight and writing things on their shirt like, 'I like big.' I thought it was humorous.

I would recommend this movie to a friend. However I would only recommend it to a type of friend who has patience and who appreciates different outlooks on films. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who enjoys your typical Hollywood action movie. Otherwise, this film is a one-of-a-kind and should be watched by foreign film lovers.

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